понедельник, 15 июня 2020 г.

An easy way to run Computer Management remotely

To use Computer Management with a remote computer, you can run the following command in CMD or the Run window:

compmgmt.msc /computer=ComputerName

Alternatively, create a batch file named "cm.bat" with the following line only: start /B compmgmt /Computer=%1

From now on, you can use the simple command "cm ComputerName" in CMD or the Run window to access Computer Management.

If you need to run multiple instances of Computer Management with different computers, create a batch file with the following lines: compmgmt.msc /computer=Computer1 compmgmt.msc /computer=Computer2 compmgmt.msc /computer=Computer3

To use different domains with different credentials, you can use the cmdkey command before running the batch file: cmdkey /add:Computer1 /user:Domain1\user1 /pass:Password1 cmdkey /add:Computer2 /user:Domain2\user2 /pass:Password2

Alternatively, you can use the net use command to set credentials: net use \computername\ipc$ Password /user:ComputerName\user1 net use \computername\ipc$ Password /user:DomainName\user1

понедельник, 8 июня 2020 г.

How To Uninstall Updates with CMD

1. Go to CMD.

2. Find all updates with this command:
wmic qfe list brief /format:table

3. Using HotFixID from previous step uninstall it:
wusa /uninstall /kb:HotFixID

For example:
wusa /uninstall /kb:4539601